Eminent Editorial Board Members

SAJ Cancer Science
Ahmed Mohammed Morsy
SAJ Cancer Science
Javed Mahmood
SAJ Cancer Science
Maral Mazloumi Tabrizi
SAJ Cancer Science
Cheryl D. Helgason
SAJ Cancer Science
Jun Deng
SAJ Cancer Science
Seema Bhatlekar
SAJ Cancer Science
Kshitij Manerikar
SAJ Cancer Science
Manal Mehibel
SAJ Cancer Science
Dincoglan Ferrat
SAJ Cancer Science

Scholarena Journal of Cancer Science (SAJCS) is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed, open access journal which covers different aspects in the field of cancer. Its research is focused on academic, medical and industrial applications.

SAJCS publishes latest research, review articles, case reports, clinical images, etc. covering various cancer related fields such as cancer biology, cancer cell, cancer immunology, epidemiology, etiology, pathology, surgery, etc. The goal of the journal is to provide a platform for doctors and academicians around the world to share and discuss new issues and developments in cancer science.

CT Gently: Personalizing CT and CBCT Imaging for the Children
Medical imaging procedures such as computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) have been widely used in the diagnosis, detection and treatments of cancers worldwide. The achieved efficiency in the clinical workflow and improved ...
Early Peripheral Blood Blast Clearance: A New Chemosensitivity Indicator for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a highly heterogeneous disease, and cytogenetics and molecular markers play important roles in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of AML. Although cytogenetic karyotypes and molecular mutations are powerful progno...
Cancer informatics: a powerful approach to cancer research in the post-genomic age
Traditionally, the cancer biology has been an experimental science. However, with the advent of post-genomic age, the trend is shifting. The informatics approach is playing an increasingly important role in cancer research. In fact, a huge amount of ...
Chlorinated Pyridazin-3-(2H)-ones as Novel Anti-Cancer Agents
Analogues of new lead structures, such as amido-2(5H)-furanones, bisarylated acrylic acids and 3(2H)-pyridazones, were prepared from mucochloric acid. Initially, these simple butenolides and analogues have been evaluated in tissue culture studies and...
Cancer Stem Cells in Tumors Arisen from Digestive Organs
The digestive system encompasses several organs in which tumors occur with an elevated prevalence and mortality worldwide. Increasing evidence shows that cancer stem cells (CSCs) may play a critical role in tumor development and progression....
Autologous Bone Marrow Therapy to Operative Site Following Modified Radical Mastectomy to Prevent Flap Complications
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths, second to lung cancer, with approximately 40,000 deaths caused by breast cancer annually. Breast cancer is also a global health problem, with more than one million cases of breast ca...
Ratios of Magnesium/Trace Element Contents in Prostate Gland as Carcinoma’s Markers
The aim of the study was to evaluate whether significant changes in the prostatic tissue levels of ratios Mg/trace element contents exist in the malignantly transformed prostate. Contents of Mg and 43 trace elements in normal (N), benign hypertrophic...
Developing 21st Century Healthcare Leaders
In this rapidly changing world, there is a real demand for leaders and a growing concern with the lack of individuals capable of assuming these challenging roles. Healthcare shares this dilemma of being an increasingly complex industry with a dearth ...
Adult Alveolar Paranasal Rhabdomyosarcoma; A Rare Aggressive Disease with Pulmonary, Brain and Skeletal Metastasis: Review of an Institutional Experience
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is predominantly seen in children, most commonly occurring in the head and neck region while extremity tumors are more common in adults. An adult onset RMS of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus is of exceedingly rare occurrence a...
A Novel Potential Strategy for Enhancing Antigen Presentation of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Propagated ex-vivo Using A Ribonuclease Enzyme System
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is considered a major health problem as it is the fifth most common neoplasm in the world. It represents one of the most resistant types of malignancy, as systemic therapy with cytotoxic drugs provides only marginal b...