Instructions for Authors

Author(s) are requested to submit the manuscripts, in accordance with the following format which would help in easy review by the Editorial Board (EB) members.

Title - The title should be specific and concise. It should be in upper case.

Author(s) with affiliations - Affiliations should contain department, university or organization, city, and country of the corresponding author(s), along with their email address.

Abstract - The Abstract should be clear and concise which conveys the manuscript in advance along with the significance of work to a broad audience. Above all, the abstract ought to contain a quick background of the question, an outline of the results while not in depth experimental detail, and an outline of the importance of their findings. Abstracts should be limited to 300 words or less.

List of abbreviations used and keywords - You can present the list of abbreviations and keywords.

Introduction - The introduction should provide a transparent statement of the study, the relevant literature on the study subject along with the planned approach or resolution. This should be general enough to draw in a reader's attention from a broad array of scientific disciplines.

Main body - The main body should include the detailed descriptions of all types of materials used and the main proposed ideas, results and discussions.

Conclusions - A good conclusion ought to be given for the closure of a research paper.

Acknowledgments - Here you can include sources of funding, grants, details about anyone who contributed substantially towards the study etc.,

References - Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list. Meetings abstracts, conference talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. All personal communications should be supported by a letter from the relevant authors.

Scholarena uses the numbered citation (citation-sequence) method. References are listed and numbered in the order that they appear in the text. In the text, citations should be indicated by the reference number in brackets. Multiple citations within a single set of brackets should be separated by commas. Where there are three or more sequential citations, they should be given as a range. Example: " enable biologists to simultaneously monitor the expression of thousands of genes in a single experiment [1,5-7,28]." Make sure the parts of the manuscript are in the correct order for the relevant journal before ordering the citations. Figure captions and tables should be at the end of the manuscript. Authors are requested to provide at least one online link for each reference as following (preferably PubMed). Because all references will be linked electronically as much as possible to the papers they cite, proper formatting of the references is crucial.

Order of details of a reference should be maintained as below:
Author(s) (Year) Title. journal name (Volume number), page number, weblink/DOI.

Please use the following style for the reference list:


Published Papers:

1. Hipgrave D (2011) Communicable disease control in China: From Mao to now. J Glob Health 1: 224-38.

2. Yerli H, Aydin E, Avci S, Haberal N, Oto S (2011) Focal Amyloidosis of the Orbit Presenting as a Mass: MRI and CT Features. Iran J Radiol 8: 241-4.

3. Galindo Gomez C, Juarez Martinez L, Shamah Levy T, Garcia Guerra A, Avila Curiel A, et al. (2011) Nutritional knowledge and its association with overweight and obesity in Mexican women with low socioeconomic level. Arch Latinoam Nutr 61: 396-405.


1. Stuart H. James, Jon J. Nordby, Suzanne Bell (2014) Forensic science an introduction to scientific and investigative techniques, 4th ed. Taylor & Francis.

2. Bassingthwaighte JB, Liebovitch LS, West BJ (1994) Fractal physiology. New York, Oxford University Press.

3. Gleason DF (1977) The Veteran's Administration Cooperative Urologic Research Group: histologic grading and clinical staging of prostatic carcinoma. In "Tannenbaum M Urologic Pathology: The Prostate". Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger 171-98.


1. Komogortsev O, Karpov A, Price L, Aragon C (2012) Biometric authentication via oculomotor plant characteristics, in: Biometrics (ICB), 5th IAPR International Conference: 413-20

2. Kelkboom EJC, Zhou X, Breebaart J, Veldhuis RNJ, Busch C (2009) Multi-algorithm fusion with template protection. 3rd IEEE international conference on Biometrics: Theory, applications and systems IEEE Press: 222-9.


These should be used at a minimum and designed as simple as possible. We strongly encourage authors to submit tables as ".doc" format. Tables are to be typed, double-spaced throughout, including headings and footnotes. Each table should be on a separate page, numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and supplied with a heading and a legend. Tables should be self-explanatory without reference to the text. Preferably, the details of the methods used in the experiments should be described in the legend instead of in the text. The same data should not be presented in both table and graph form or repeated in the text. Cells can be copied from an Excel spreadsheet and pasted into a word document, but Excel files should not be embedded as objects.

Note: If the submission is in PDF format, the author is requested to retain the same in .doc format in order to aid in completion of process successfully.


The preferred file formats for photographic images are PNG, TIFF and JPEG. If you have created images with separate components on different layers, please send us the Photoshop files.

All images must be at or above intended display size, with the following image resolutions: Line Art 800 dpi, Combination (Line Art+Halftone) 600 dpi, Halftone 300 dpi. See the Image quality specifications chart for details. Image files also must be cropped as close to the actual image as possible.

Use Arabic numerals to designate figures and upper case letters for their parts (Figure 1). Begin each legend with a title and include sufficient description so that the figure is understandable without reading the text of the manuscript. Information given in legends should not be repeated in the text.

Figure legends should be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet.

Tables and Equations as Graphics:

If equations cannot be encoded in MathML, submit them in TIFF or EPS format as discrete files (i.e., a file containing only the data for one equation). Only when tables cannot be encoded as XML/SGML can they be submitted as graphics. If this method is used, it is critical that the font size in all equations and tables is consistent and legible throughout all submissions.

Supplementary information:

Discrete items of the Supplementary information (for example, Figures, Tables) referred to at an appropriate point in the main text of the paper.

The summary Diagram/Figure included as part of the Supplementary information (optional).

All Supplementary information is to be supplied as a single PDF file, if possible. File size within the permitted limits for Supplementary Information. Images should be a maximum size of 640 x 480 pixels (9 x 6.8 inches at 72 pixels per inch).

Video files can also be submitted in a permitted limit for main text/supplementary data (optional)

*There is no page limit for the submissions.

Before Manuscript submission:

Corresponding author of the manuscript are requested to address the following issues before submitting it for publication:

  Ensure to submit accurate, error free complete data, including figures, tables and any other supplements

  Should provide complete affiliation of authors, i.e., university/institute, department, country, and contact information

  Ensure to get consent from all co-authors and funding supporters regarding submission to the particular journal

 Ensure that the manuscript is not being published/under process/submitted to any other journal Unwarranted withdrawal will also be not encouraged.Please view our Retraction Policy

  Should bind to the Publication Ethics which reflect the quality of the work of the authors

  Should disclose conflict of interest if any

  Article processing charge (APC) are availed to recover range of publication services we provide including review management, article production, and online hosting and archiving, etc., and the charge varies from journal to journal.

  APCs are applicable at current rates on the submission date. No submission fee, per page charge, and additional charge for Figures, supplementary data.

  Go through the Open Access publication benefits and success to reach worldwide readership.