Eminent Editorial Board Members

Wagner Loyola
Journal of Vaccine Research
Krishna Kripal
Journal of Vaccine Research
Mohammad Abdullah Yusuf
Journal of Vaccine Research
Gregory Lee
Journal of Vaccine Research
Fernando Villalta
Journal of Vaccine Research
Eugenia Yiannakopoulou
Journal of Vaccine Research
Giulio Tarro
Journal of Vaccine Research
Chan Kam Tim Michael
Journal of Vaccine Research
Vural Fidan
Journal of Vaccine Research
Noah Isakov
Journal of Vaccine Research

Journal of Vaccine Research (JVR) is an International Peer-Reviewed Open Access journal presenting original research contributions and scientific advances in the field of Vaccine research. It ensures the barrier-free distribution of its content through online free access.

DNA/mRNA-Based Vaccines Present an Additional Risk of Human Genome Modification in HIV Epidemic Era
Active HIV and other retroviral infections are a substantial portion of the world’s population. DNA/mRNA-based preventive vaccine might present a potential risk of reversed genetic information flow and change the genetic background of host cells, r...
Evaluation of Genotoxic and Cytogenetic Effects of Saponins and Aluminum Hydroxide Adjuvant on Viral Vaccine
Bovine papillomavirus (BPV) is the etiological agent of bovine papillomatosis, infectious disease characterized by the presence of benign tumors that can progress to malignancy. The phylogenetic classification of the PVs is performed based on the seq...
Current Status of Lumpy Skin Disease and Its Economic Impacts in Ethiopia
One of the most agricultural practices in Ethiopia is raring animals which is known by providing unlimited uses for the country. Livestock production constitutes a vital part of the agricultural system and it accounts about 40% of the agricultural gr...
Perspective of Covid 19 Hesistancy
Covid 19 vaccine hesitancy is when there is delay in acceptance or refusal of Covid 19 vaccine despite availability of the services. Indeed it is caused by complex and context specific varying across time, place and vaccines. However, it is influence...
Hépatite B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroprevalence in a senegalese
The objective of our work 1 to find the frequency of hepattis B infection m both HIV-positive and -negative patients from a PMTCT cohort from Dned Blood spot mm Senegal....
Effect of Glycyrrhizin on Liver Function Improvement in Covid-19 Patients at Dr. M. Djamil General Hospital Padang
Many of COVID-19 patients have impaired liver function. Glycyrrhizin is a common ingredient in the Chinese herb licorice that has been used for liver disease treatment. The aim is to examine the effect of glycyrrhizin on the improvement of liver func...
Adverse Effects of Covid-19 Vaccines Among Medical Students: A Cross-Sectional Study
A cross sectional study design was conducted from November, 2014 to April, 2015 to estimate the prevalence of poultry coccidiosis in and around Jimma town, south western Ethiopia and to assess its relationship with different risk factors. Simple ran...