Eminent Editorial Board Members

Mohd. Shahbaaz Khan
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Pankaj Srivastava
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Norhafiza Mat Lazim
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Khue Vu Nguyen
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Sachin A. Borkar
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Abdou Mohammed AbdAllah Darwish
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Sandeep Kumar Kar
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Sambhaji Govind Chintale
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Kaushik Bhattacharya
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Dorina Lauritano
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care

Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care (JSSO) is dedicated to the global advancement of surgical research, education, and clinical practice. JSSO provides novel methods and most updated techniques in surgical treatment. It contains reviews, original articles, about surgical techniques and notes about the history of surgery. All accepted articles will be published after the peer-review process by experts in the relative field. 

JSSOC is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. The journal publishes research, review, image, letters to the editor, and case reports in the field of surgery and making them freely available online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. 


Abdominal Necrotizing Fasciitis Masquerading as Cushing’s Disease: A Surgeon’s Fierce Enemy!
Cushing’s syndrome is a rare endocrine disorder characterized by excess production of glucocorticoids resulting in characteristic cushingoid features and sequelae of hypercortisolism, such as immunosuppression and impaired wound healing. ...
The Dilemma of Metastatic Axillary Cancer versus Primary Ectopic Breast Cancer
The clinical presentation of a new axillary mass is frequently due to metastatic malignancy such as breast or other diseases such as lymphoma....
Comparison of the Safetyness of Energy Based Devices (Electrotome, Harmonic and Ligasure) in Thyroid Surgery
Thyroid surgeries are one of the most commonly performed surgeries all over the world. Energy based devices have become more popular in thyroid surgery in recent years. Conventional thyroid surgery techniques (clamp and tie) had commonly used in oper...
If Acute Appendicitis Due to Enterobius Vermicularis has Potential Predictive Differences in Terms of Blood Count Parameters Compared to Other Causes; Retrospective Study
Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdominal syndrome and the most frequent emergency operation in our country and all over the world. ...
C-Reactive Protein as a Diagnostic Marker for Gangrenous Cholecystitis
The retrospective cohort study evaluates the pre-operative C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in patients undergoing emergency cholecystectomy, to assess its diagnostic utility in differentiating patients with gangrenous or non-gangrenous cholecystitis....
Surgical Managemeteral of Bilateral Bronchiectasis: Should we Operate on Both Sides?
Bronchiectasies is defined by permanent and irreversible dilation of the caliber of the bronchi with an impairement of their mucociliary function. surgical treatment remains an attractive alternative to the failure of medical care....
The Feasibility of Posterior Lumbotomy Incision in Pediatric Urology
The objective of our study was to assess the feasibility of posterior lumbotomy incision in pediatric urologic cases admitted to Maiwand university hospital....
Peculiarities of Fissural Hydatid Cysts of Lung: About 39 Cases
The objective from this work is to determinate the epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic, evolution and prophylactic Peculiarities of scissural hydatid cyst of lung....
Aspergilloma in a Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst: A Case Report
Aspergilloma infection consists of a mass of fungal hyphae that colonize lung cavities but the coexistence of pulmonary hydatid cyst and aspergilloma is an exceptional situation. Here we report co-infection of pulmonary hydatid cyst and aspergilloma ...
What is the Mechanism of Diffusion of Extra-Pulmonary Thoracic Hydatidosis?
Extra-pulmonary intra-thoracic hydatid cysts are rare, their multiple forms often testify to secondary dissemination. pulmonary (HTE)....