Eminent Editorial Board Members

Paul E. Sijens
Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Methods
Akhilanand Chaurasia
Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Methods

Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Methods (JRDM) is a scientific multi-disciplinary journal devoted to publishing clinical and technical aspects of Medical Imaging, Radiotherapy, Oncology, Imaging Techniques, Clinical Radiology, Radiobiology and Medical Physics.

JRDM accepts a wide range of articles including research, review, short communication, case report, rapid communication, letter to the editor, etc. from Radiologists, Radiotherapists, and other Medical Experts.

High Signal Intensity in the Dentate Nucleus on Unenhanced T1-Weighted MR Images in Melanoma Patients Receiving Macrocyclic Gadolinium-Based Contrast
The aim of the study is to evaluate possible gadolinium brain deposits on Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI), in patients with localized melanoma receiving repeated doses of a gadolinium based contrast agent (GBCA)....
Variation of Noise with Some Scanning Parameters for Image Quality Test in a 128 Slice Computed Tomography Scanner Using Catphan700 Phantom
Dose and image quality in diagnostic radiology is still of most concern in current research works. In computer tomography (CT), image quality can be affected by physical components of the scanner such as x-ray tube, detectors and data acquisition sys...
Quantitative Quality Assurance and Establishment of National Diagnostic Reference Levels in Adult General Radiography
The leading diagnostic radiology equipment in developing countries is general radiography. Over 90% of the patients undergoing x-ray imaging are performed with radiographic equipment. Quality assurance (QA) therefore is critical towards ensuring qual...
Zinner Syndrome with Dilatation of Vas Deferens with Reflux on Doppler
Zinner syndrome is a triad of Mullerian duct abnormality characterized by ejaculatory duct obstruction, ipsilateral seminal vesicle cyst and unilateral renal agenesis. It is often detected incidentally during cross sectional imaging or during per rec...
Ultrasound Guided Delineation of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve and the Tubercle of Zuckerkandl
To develop a direct, non-invasive method for the delineation of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve (RLN) and the Tubercle of Zuckerkandl (TZ). Ultrasound imaging is performed on both sides of the neck in a study group of 50 persons without any prevailing ...
Intravenous Urography with Erect Film and Retrograde Pyelography in Patho-Etiology of the Loin Pain and Haematuria Syndrome Revealing the Overlooked Link with Symptomatic Nephroptosis
To report the role of intravenous urography with erect film (IVU-E) and retrograde pyelography (RGP) in resolving the puzzle of Loin Pain and Haematuria Syndrome (LPHS) by revealing its patho-etiological overlooked link with Symptomatic Nephroptosis ...
Early Vitamin K Deficiency- A Rare Presentation
Early Vitamin K deficiency (EVKD) bleeding is most commonly due to maternal medications. Case Characteristics: A 3-year-old girl with a history of mother being treated with Anti-Tubercular therapy during pregnancy had bleeding due to EVKD during the ...
Black Ink - Thyroid Cancer Trilogy
The trilogy of papers on thyroid cancer between 2017-2019 might be regarded as a milestone in the history of cancer research. Black Ink is a rare subgroup of thyroid cancer detected by Ultrasonography (US) and classified as papillary microcarcinoma. ...