Eminent Editorial Board Members

Chung-Yi Chen
Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention
Lakehal Redha
Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention
J. Michael Hardin
Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention
Khalid Al Aboud
Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention
Cecilia Young
Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention
Somchai Bovornkitti
Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention
Jason Powell
Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention
Konstantinos (Costas) A. Fourtounas
Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention
Razzaque Abdur
Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention

Journal of Public Health and Disease Prevention (JPHDP) is a peer reviewed open access journal giving an important and reliable source of current information on developments in the field. The aim of the journal is to disseminate the knowledge about the public health in order to improve efficiency of the their health interventions and outcomes. JPHDP publishes original articles, reviews, short communications, etc. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and freely available worldwide.

The Investigation of Genotoxicity and Oxidative Stress Potential of Luna Experience SC 400 Fungucide in Rat Liver and Blood Tissues
Fungicide is a general term given to all chemicals used to take under control the fungus that infect on plants. Luna Experience SC-400 is a new generation fungicide that combinated with Fluopyram and Tebuconazole. In this study, potential genotoxic e...
Factors Associated with Condom Use among University Female Students in Uganda
This study sought to document predictors of condom use at recent sexual intercourse among university female students. This cross-sectional correlational study was conducted among 371 female students. The students were enrolled from three randomly sel...
In-vitro anthelmintic efficacy of the 80% Hydro-alcoholextract of Myrsine africana(kechemo) Leaf on hookworm larvae
Helminthic infections are among the most common infections in human, affecting a large proportion of population all over the world. Among the most important helminthes found in Ethiopia are Ascaris, Hookworms, Schistosomes, Strongyloides, Trichuris a...
Socioeconomic Inequalities in the Adoption of Antimalarial Resistance-Promoting Behaviours: A Quantitative Study of the Use of Mixed Drugs for Malaria Treatment
Antimalarial drug use behaviours remain critical drivers of drug resistance as they can affect some of the other important factors implicated in the development of resistance....
Making Healthcare Waste Management a Priority: The Reality of Solid Waste Disposal at an Urban Referral Hospital in Uganda
There are significant gaps in healthcare waste management (HCWM) in many developing countries. Poor HCWM practices potentially expose patients, medical personnel, waste handlers and the community to major occupational, environmental and public health...
The Health and Economic Impacts of Waste Recycling for Sustainability in Nigeria
The health and economic impacts of waste recycling are greatly felt on both local and national scale in Nigeria. Through our literature review and participant observation, we have discovered that there is an urgent need to educate communities about c...
Telepharmacy Service: Contributions and Controversies
It is impossible to imagine any scenario for the patient-centered healthcare system that does not involve the use of many forms of technology and automation. This assumption holds true regardless of the practice setting selected. Consider that techno...
Community Engagement Prior to a Small-Scale Pilot of the Sterile Insect Technique in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa 2018
As South Africa moves towards malaria elimination there is a need for complementary vector control strategies. One method under consideration is the sterile insect technique (SIT). Key to the successful implementation of new health interventions, suc...
Fast Food: “The Real Costs Never Appears on the Menu”
Menus, as lists of prepared foods, provides origin of the food items (Thai, Chinese, Continental), restaurant’s mission, chef’s philosophy of cooking, brief idea about food processing, special combo offers along with their cost....
Diabetes TRACK (by NEHEP) Implementation: Bangladesh Perspective
With the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), biological risk factors, such as hyperglycemia, are a major public health concern in Bangladesh....