Eminent Editorial Board Members

Doaa Mohamed El Amrousy
Journal of Neonatal Studies

Journal of Neonatal Studies (JNS) is a peer-reviewed, open access and online journal that promotes the dispersion of quality research in the field of pediatrics. JNS publishes articles describing basic research and clinical investigations in different fields of pediatrics and neonatology, covering etiology, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis aspects. Its main aim is to publish articles which are authentic, understandable, educational and clinically interesting to an international audience of academicians, surgeons, trainees and researchers in all pediatric specialities.

Collodion Baby- A Case Report
The term “collodion baby” refers to a clinical entity used for newborns who are encompassed by a translucent, tight and parchment paper- like skin sheets, so called Collodion membrane, on the entire body surface....
Assessment of Reason for Admission and Factors Associated with their Treatment outcome of Neonates in Dil Chora Referral Hospital, Eastern, Ethiopia: Institutional Based Cross-Sectional Record Review Study
Neonatal mortality and newborn compromise is a major concern in sub-Sahara Africa and its rates reflect a nation’s socioeconomic status, efficiency and effectiveness of the health care services. Dile Chora Referral hospital also a part of this prob...
Neonatal Neuroblastoma in a Full Term Saudi Girl: A Case Report
Neuroblastoma is the commonest malignancy during the neonatal period. It may present as an adrenal mass or with localized or metastatic (4s/Ms) disease, which is typically low risk with an excellent prognosis. We report the case of a 2-day-old neonat...
Classic Metaphyseal Lesion: A Rare Presentation in a Preterm Neonate
Classic metaphyseal lesions occur in infants due to indirect forces, in particular, the shearing and acceleration-deceleration forces, exerted on their limbs. These fractures are very rare and resemble a “corner fracture” or a “bucket handle ...