Eminent Editorial Board Members

Journal of Industrial Pollution Effects and Control
Journal of Industrial Pollution Effects and Control (JIPEC) is an open access, international refereed journal devoted to publishing the latest advancement of all theoretical and scientific aspects of Industrial Pollution. The Purposes of the journal is to promote and publish original high-quality research and to provide a forum to researchers and industry practitioners for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and experience.
Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts of Flour Factory: A Case of Kedija Flour Factory, Werabe, Ethiopia
Assessing projects multi-dimensional impact plays a great role for sustainable development. The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the potential environmental and social impact of Kedija Flour Factory found in werabe town, Ethiopia....
Assessment of Heavy Metals Loading Index and Stress Marker Enzymes in Agricultural Soil Receiving Cafeteria Effluent
This study looked at assessing the impact of waste water from a cafeteria in University of Nigeria, Nsukka on soil physicochemical properties and quality marker enzyme activity. Physicochemical analysis of the soil before and after irrigation with
Pseudomonas Producing Lipase Assisted Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Organisms are indispensable tool in the modern-day biotechnology; their utilities in the various aspect of biotechnology are
regarded integral. Studies on physico chemical properties of the contaminated soil collected from petroleum spilled soil
Spectra Analysis of Heavy Metals and Bisphenol - A Related Compounds in Sachet Water from Abia State Sub Metropolis
Three brands of sachet water were sampled within three loci within Abia state sub metropolis; the water samples were subject to analysis for heavy metals and bisphenol-A related compounds bioaccumulation using spectroscopy assay method.Control experi...
Quantification of Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation Quotients in Invertebrates from Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil
The study investigated the level of heavy metals in soil earthworms isolated from a half decade drilling sites located in Rivers
state. Earth worm were isolated using standard sampling techniques. Heavy metals of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn were a...