Eminent Editorial Board Members

Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry
Faheem Ahmad
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry
Ghalem Bachir Raho
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry
Meysam Ebrahimifar
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry
Said Elshahat Abdallah
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry
Krishna Hare
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry
Ram Naraian
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry
Hasan SA Jawad
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry
Abul Hasnat M Solaiman
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry
Hassan Feizi
Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry

Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry (JHSF) is an Open Access online journal, which publishes original research articles, short articles and review articles in all areas of horticulture. Journal aims to reach out researchers in research institutes, universities, and other organizations worldwide concerned with all horticulture science.

The journal publishes original research papers, review articles, and commentaries on all aspects of the production, protection, handling, and processing of horticulture. The emphasis will be on publishing quality papers rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide.

Effect of NPKS on Growth and Yield of Naga Chili (Capsicum Chinense Jacq.)
The experiment was conducted at Spices Research Sub-station, CRS, and Jaintiapur in Rabi season of 2014-15 for selecting proper dose of NPKS for naga chilli Production. ...
Review on Productivity of Released Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum Mill.) Varieties in Different Parts of Ethiopia
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) is the major horticultural crop with an estimated global production of 164 million metric tons from 4.73 million hectare of land. In Ethiopia, it is an important food ingredient in daily diet of people in almost al...
Influence of Saline Water on the Growth of Chiku (Achras Zapota L.) Saplings
Salinity and brackish water is very common problem in Pakistan due to partial rainfall, more evapo-transpiration and high temperature. So, there is need to select salt tolerant plants. In view of that a pot experiment was conducted to see the growth ...
Effects of Magnetized Water on Production of Alface Muda
In recent years there have been increasing scientific research on agricultural technology and innovation on the influence of the magnetic field. This study was based on the search for new techniques capable of providing greater production without exc...
Harnessing Trees’ Transpiration Water for Ensuring Water Security in Semi-Arid Tropics: An Innovative Approach
Vegetation water transpiration is one of the important physiological phenomenons and approximately 99-99.50% of total water absorbed by plants is transpired into the atmosphere. As plants transpire large quantity of water absorbed from the soil, and ...
Simple Method of Improved Seed Germination in Datura metel L.
This study was carried out to improve the germination of Datura metel through simple means. Seeds were collected from the physiologically ripen fruits of healthy plants and were sterilization with 0.04% of mercuric chloride, before subjected to diffe...
Chemical Composition and Phytotoxicity of Chickpea (C. arietinum L.)
The aqueous and organic extracts of Cicer arietinum L. were assayed at different concentrations to assess their phytotoxicity. The extracts were tested on Setaria verticillata, a weed species. The final germination percentages and the seedling shoot ...
Effect of Blended NPS Fertilizer, Root Type and Root Treatment on Yield and Yield Component of Carrot (Daucus Carota L.) Seed at Haramaya, Eastern Ethiopia
Information is scanty on the effect of different rate of blended NPS fertilizer, root type and root treatment on carrot seed production.Therefore, this study was conducted in 2017 to assess the effect of blended NPS fertilizer, root type and root tre...
Effect of Blended NPS Fertilizer, Root Type and Root Treatment on Quality of Carrot (Daucus Carota. L) Seed at Haramaya, Eastern Ethiopia
Carrot is an important vegetable crop in Ethiopia. However, the quality of the crop is low mainly due to low soil fertility (low amount of soil nutrients), inappropriate production method, and pathogen infection resulting low yield and low quality of...
Higher Levels of Protein and Phenolics in ‘Braeburn’ Apples Correlate with Fruit Tolerance to Grey Mould
Botrytis cinerea is a pathogenic fungus that causes grey mould responsible for significant economic losses in over 1400 plant species, including cultivated apples. The effect of storage at room temperature, the impact of wounding and the combined eff...