Eminent Editorial Board Members

Giovanni Larciprete
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare
Okeke Tochukwu Christopher
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare
Alain L Fymat
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare
Edmund Ndudi Ossai
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare
Angel Yordanov
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare
Erich Cosmi
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare
Pankaj Srivastava
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare
Abdelmonem Awad Hegazy
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare
Giampiero Capobianco
Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare

Journal of Gynecology and Women Healthcare (JGWH) is a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed international journal publishing research works in the fields of Gynecology including Gynecological surgery, Pathology, Reproductive Toxicology & Healthcare, Family Planning, Nutrition, vaccination, etc.

JGWH aims to provide and spread knowledge on optimal health to adolescent girls and women with a focus on the prevention, diagnosis, and management of fertility disorders and diseases of gynecological and breast origin, as well as related genetics, genitourinary medicine, gynecologic cancers, vaginal ailments, urogynecology and reproductive medicine, etc.

Feticide with Intracardiac Potassium Chloride to Reduce Risk of Hemorrhage in Medical Termination of Pregnancy
Medical termination of pregnancy in second trimester can lead to increased risk of hemorrhage in presence of various conditions like placenta previa which is the most common cause of obstetric hemorrhage [1]. Caesarian scar pregnancy is one of the ra...
Pharmaceuticals Account for the Majority of Actual Cost of Care from Diagnosis to Death in the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer is the most deadly gynecologic malignancy, and presumed most costly [1]. The lifetime risk of invasive ovarian cancer in the US is 1 in 75 (based on 2011-2013 data) and the 5-year survival rate is 47.4% (based on 2008-2014) [1]. In wom...
The Impact of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery in Management of Vulvar Carcinoma: A Review
Vulvar cancer represents a rare type of gynecologic malignancy. The onset of the lesion occurs in form of precancerous cells on the vulva skin. This specific lesion type is commonly presented as vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) [1]. ...
Vaginal Evisceration Following Colpocleisis and Sacrocolpopexy
Vaginal vault dehiscence with evisceration is a rare complication after hysterectomy [1]. Evisceration after pelvic floor surgery such as colpocleisis or sacrocolpopexy is even rarer. Although this situation constitutes a surgical emergency, there is...
Diffuse Dermal Angiomatosis of the Breast: Two Case Reports and Literature Review
Diffuse angiomatosis is characterized by diffuse proliferation of benign endothelial cells in the dermis. Although it was previously believed that the lower limbs were the most frequent site of presentation, it now seems that the disease occurs most ...
Maternal Mortality by Direct Obstetric Causes in a Urban Referral Hospital: Case of Boulmiougou District Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
To study maternal mortality of direct obstetric origin at the Boulmiougou district hospital from 2010 to 2014.This was a retrospective cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study of maternal deaths by direct obstetric cause at the maternity ward...
Risk Factors and Variations in Global Occurrence of Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial cancer (EC), is one of the most common cancers but there are variations in occurrence, may be because of risk factors. It is more common in developed countries, four to five times higher in United States than in developing countries and J...
Advanced Abdominal Pregnancy-A Rare and Misdiagnosed Obstetric Situation!
Abdominal pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy, its incidence about 1 in 10000 pregnancies. This condition often presents with vague clinical signs and symptoms and carries a high risk of maternal mortality and morbidity. Lack of standard di...
Comparison of Office Hysteroscopy versus Blind Cervical Probing in Tight Primary Cervical Stenosis in Nulliparous Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial
This study aims to estimate if performing an office hysteroscopic cervical negotiation would succeed to bypass tight markedly stenotic cervix (failed introduction of a uterine sound on vaginal examination) in comparison to blind cervical probing done...