Eminent Editorial Board Members

Michael U Ukwuru
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry
Sebnem Ozturkoglu Budak
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry
Serkan Selli
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry
Vladimir Zaichick
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry
Adetunji Charles Oluwaseun
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry
Onur Ketenoğlu
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry
BELLO, Olorunjuwon Omolaja
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry
Rosa Caiazza
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry
Osman Erkmen
Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry

Journal of Food Technology and Food Chemistry (JFTFC) is an international, open access journal which deals with the modern studies of food production, chemistry, processing, analysis, preservation, and adulterations, etc. It also publishes research works related to enhancement of the nutritional value of foods.

The journal endeavors to provide a platform to worldwide food scientists and technologists to share their knowledge by publishing peer reviewed significant research works. JFTFC accepts all types of articles including research, review, case reports, and editorials in all aspects of chemistry, microbiology, and physiology, etc.

Preliminary Bacteriological Evaluation of Smoked Rabbit Meat Sold on Lagos-Benin Expressway, Nigeria
Ten-fold dilutions of rabbit meat samples were prepared up to 10-6 factor. Total viable bacterial count (TVBC), Total enterobacteriaceae count (TEC), Total coliform count (TCC), Total Staphylococcus aureus count (TSAC) and Escherichia coli were det...
Lactulose Crystals and Liquid Both Show a Dose-Dependent Prebiotic Effect in a Computer-Controlled In Vitro Model of the Human Proximal Colon
The commercially available forms of the prebiotically active disaccharide lactulose include a liquid and a crystalline form. The prebiotic effect of both forms has not been compared in a similar study setup to date. In this study we repeated the most...
Effects of Processing on the Nutrient and Anti-Nutrient Contents of Tiger Nut (Cyperus Esculentus Lativum)
The effects of germination and fermentation on the nutrient and anti-nutrient contents of tiger nut seed flours were investigated. The tiger nut seeds were sorted, cleaned and processed into raw, germinated and fermented flours. The flours produced w...
Dietary fatty acids and Biochemistry of Coconut, Sesame, Mustard and Groundnut oils : Comparative Healthy Aspects
The metabolism and biochemistry related with the vegetable oils and animal fat is very interesting and significant as well. The complete metabolic oxidation of tri glycerol yields 37 kJ/g energy. Most of the energy derived from fat breakdown comes fr...
Optimization of biodiesel production from waste cooking oil by alkaline catalysts
Biodiesel is a renewable and clean energy which can be used exclusively or in mixtures with petroleum-derived fuels. In this study, biodiesel was produced from waste cooking oil using two catalysts including KOH and NaOH. For this purpose, the effect...
Isolation and Purification of Xanthine Oxidase from discarded Fish Liver Notopterous kapirat: an easy source of enzyme
Xanthine oxidase (XO) has clinical applications as it is an integral part in superoxide dismutase (SOD) diagnostic kit. This investigation deals with isolation, purification and determination of kinetic parameters from fish liver xanthine oxidase. Th...
Determination of Essential and Toxic Metals from Vegetable, Fruits and their Daily Intake by the Population of Hyderabad City, Pakistan
The aim of present study was to determine the concentrations of essential metals such as iron (Fe), cupper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na) and potassium (K) and toxic metals (TMs) were detected from vegetabl...
Biochemical Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Royal Jelly from Apis cerana
Royal Jelly (RJ) is an extremely nutritious functional food produced by nurse honey bees from their hypo- pharyngeal gland. It plays a critical role in the determination of honey bee caste and the development of queen bee. RJ is also considered as a ...
Phytochemical Composition of Calyx Extract of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Genotypes
Thirty five Roselle genotypes were evaluated at the experimental field of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur 1706 during August 2015 to February 2016. Fifteen genotypes were selected for the analysis of phytochemical c...
Research of Ultraviolet Radiation on Photosynthesis Vitamin D3 Synthesis about Dry Juvenile Fish Fillet
Growing evidence suggests that adequate levels of vitamin D are associated with superior health outcomes. Although vitamin D can be synthesized by exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR), UVR also has a detrimental effect on human health. Fish is the...