Eminent Editorial Board Members

Adnan Ćatović
Journal of Ergonomics Studies and Research
Mustapha Mouloua
Journal of Ergonomics Studies and Research
Journal of Ergonomics Studies and Research
Bruno Ferreira
Journal of Ergonomics Studies and Research
Eghbal Sekhavati
Journal of Ergonomics Studies and Research

Journal of Ergonomics Studies and Research (JESR) is aimed at ergonomists and all those interested in applying ergonomics/human factors in the design, planning and management of technical and social systems at work or leisure.

Journal of Ergonomics Studies and Research (JESR) is of interest to ergonomists, health and safety specialists, design engineers, risk analysts, industrial and systems engineers, occupational health specialists, organizational psychologists, training specialists, managers, work inspectors, and human-computer interaction specialists.

Adopting Stabilized Earth Construction to Address Urban Low-cost Housing Crisis in Jos, Nigeria
Shelter is one of the basic needs of mankind, while housing is a form of shelter which has profound impact on health, welfare and productivity of individuals. In developing nations (such as Nigeria), this basic necessity of life (housing) has been ke...
Research and Development of an Electronic Footrest: Prototype Tested with the Disabled
This study investigated and developed a prototype, with an emphasis on the ergonomic and inclusive design, aimed primarily at wheelchair users, called Electronic Foot Support. The objective of the prototype is to reduce the problems of the sedentary ...
Discomfort and Postural Analysis of Flux Cored Arc Welding Machine Operators
Welding is one of the major fabrication process employed in industries where the workers are subject to work in awkward body positions. In this study discomfort and postural analysis of flux cored arc welding (FCAW), machine operators are carried out...
Theoretical and Methodical Aspects Regarding the Stroke Strategy in Swimming
Pacing is often neglected in younger swimmers’ training sessions. That is why we believe that especially at this level athletes must know and master some important pacing elements that come into play in swimming events. This review aims at approach...
Digital Human Modeling Tecnomatix Jack to Analyze the Visibility of Traffic Light
Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number PM 49 of 2014 concerning Traffic Signaling Equipment. The regulation does not regulate the driver’s visibility to the traffic light. Too close a distance causes a forc...
The End of The Digital Generation Gap
It is commonly accepted that the more an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is recent the more it is suitable for young people and unsuitable for older people. However, several facts suggest that this idea is no longer valid and will not ...