Eminent Editorial Board Members

Md. Abdullah- Al- Mamun
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography
Sajjad Pourmozaffar
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography
Zeliha Selamoglu
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography
Aliyev Zakir Hussein oglu
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography
Francisco Torrens
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography
Samar Saad Mohamed Seoud
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography
Soner Cetinkaya
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography
R. Manivanan
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography
Vedat Yegen
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography
Lotfi Bensahla Talet
Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Oceanography

Journal of Aquatic Science and Oceanography is an open-access journal devoted to the study of the aquatic sciences. It is dedicated to disseminating new knowledge and information on all sciences relevant to the ideas on techniques, methodology and research findings from aquatic scientists, fishery economists, and other professionals.

The Journal issues peer-reviewed scientific papers and short articles in all fields of oceanography including Limnology, Hydrology, Estuarine and Coastal marine science, etc.

Diet of the Invasive Lionfish Pterois sp. in Broward County, Florida
The geographic range of invasive lionfish Pterois sp. currently extends throughout the Greater Caribbean in the western North Atlantic, prompting concerns about the impacts of its predation on local ecosystems...
Economic Performance of Sardinary Fishing Units in Algiers Coastline
On a global scale, the almost total over-exploitation of fishing resources has weakened the economic situation of fishing fleets, which becomes problematic. In Algeria, fish stocks are mainly represented by small pelagic fish, notably sardine. ...
Age Determination of Barbus Arabicus (Trewavas,1941) in Saudi Arabia Using the Vertebral Bones
Barbus arabicus is an endemic freshwater fish of the Arabian Peninsula. The present study investigated the B. arabicus age using vertebral growth rings as a means of age determination. A total of 305 specimens were collected from the Baish dam reser...
Ecosystem Regulation of Pathogenic Processes in Forest Plantings
Traditional ways of forest protection against pathogenic organisms by means of chemical and biological pesticides are insufficiently effective and do not conform to modern ecological and social requirements. The problem of development of effective fo...
An Overview of Scientific Debate of Global Warming and Climate Change
Climate change is not the new phenomenon. The palaeo-climatic studies reveal that during the Pleistocene and Holocene periods several warm and cold periods occurred, resulted change of sea level and change in climatic processes like rise and fall of ...
Water Sharing Conflict and Management in the Indus River Basin
Sharing water resources within country and amongst transborder countries often create conflict because of increasing demand of fresh water for their domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors due to growing population and increasing economic activ...
Agricultural Monthly Rainfall Trends Disturbances in Yangambi Region, D R Congo
Has climate changed in Yangambi region due to global hit? Following cultural calendar, annual crop production has decreased by 34%. Also, intensified changes of rainfall, temperature, sunshine and evaporation in Sub-saharian Africa have been register...
Climate Change for Yangambi Forest Region, DR Congo
Global hit due to the average temperature increase of 0.6 °C has changed world environment. In Yangambi region, temperature being increased to 0.44 °C, climatic study on chronological annual regimes from 1931 to 2017 of climatic elements has been c...
Relationships between Grain Size and the Slopes of the Ivorian Coast
The Ivorian coastal line of 526 km was followed by a topographic survey of the beach profile between 2007 and 2012. The observed morphologies have determined the overall mean slope of the coastlines of the seafront communities. The classification of ...
Relationships between Grain Size and the Slopes of the Ivorian Coast
The Ivorian coastal line of 526 km was followed by a topographic survey of the beach profile between 2007 and 2012. The observed morphologies have determined the overall mean slope of the coastlines of the seafront communities. The classification of ...