Eminent Editorial Board Members

Yousef Rasmi
Journal of Angiology and Circulatory System
Journal of Angiology and Circulatory System
Dincoglan Ferrat
Journal of Angiology and Circulatory System
Sandeep Kumar Kar
Journal of Angiology and Circulatory System
Akram Mahmoud El-Abd Asbeutah
Journal of Angiology and Circulatory System
Awadhesh Kumar Sharma
Journal of Angiology and Circulatory System
Tarek Mohamed Kamal Mohamed Metawie
Journal of Angiology and Circulatory System

Journal of Angiology and Circulatory System (JACS) is an open access journal concerned to publish original, peer-reviewed articles cover clinical and experimental studies, invasive and non-invasive diagnostic techniques, microvascular surgical techniques, angiography, endovascular management, processes and vascular substitutes, treatment of aortic arch and vertebral artery diseases, thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurism, renovascular hypertension, occlusive diseases of lower limb arteries.

JACS provides cardiovascular & vascular surgeons, interventional cardiologists, internists, cardiology researchers and general physicians with the most recent information on all aspects of vascular surgery.

Effectiveness of Multi-Disciplinary Perioperative Geriatric Surgical Service Consultation for Vascular In-Patient Population
Geriatric surgical patients carry increased peri-operative risks, particularly in vascular patients. We aim to evaluate patient outcomes before and after the introduction of a Geriatric Surgical Service (GSS) for vascular inpatients....
Traumatic Dissection and Thrombosis of the Mid Renal Artery with Endovascular Repair and Review of the Literature
We report a case of a 48‐year old male status post motor vehicle accident who was found to have a left renal artery dissection (RAD) and thrombosis that underwent endovascular repair with a Viabahn stent and his 1 year follow up. The limited availa...
Hypertension and Diabetes: Risk, Interaction, and Management Target
Hypertension is generally defined as a sustained blood pressure higher than 140/90mmHg. Blood pressure should be brought closer to what’s considered optimal: 120/80. An elevated blood pressure raises the risk for heart attack and stroke....
Thermographic Imaging in Diabetic Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia Undergoing Endovascular Revascularisation
The success of endovascular intervention for lower limb arterial occlusive disease is usually based on radiological evidence and physiological testing...
Compliance to Compression Therapy Measurement, where are the Needs? Results of an International Survey
Compliance is the cornerstone of compression therapy in chronic disorders. The use of self-administered questionnaires is a standard way of measuring compliance. However, these questionnaires are not validated. Improving measurement would involve usi...