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The Efficacy of Statistics in All Major Fields of Research: A Focus on Regression Analysis
The abstract provided offers a succinct overview of the research paper's focus on the significance of statistics, specifically re gression analysis, across diverse fields. The emphasis on regression ...
Plastic Deformation of Metal through the Lens of Nanotechnology Using Regression Analysis
This research analysis investigates the impact of nanotechnology on the plastic deformation of metals, utilizing linear regres sion analysis to quantify the relationships between nanoscale modificat...
Classic Metaphyseal Lesion: A Rare Presentation in a Preterm Neonate
Classic metaphyseal lesions occur in infants due to indirect forces, in particular, the shearing and acceleration-deceleration forces, exerted on their limbs. These fractures are very rare and resem...
Choline and Its Role in Our Brain Functioning Various Lifetime Phases
The hypothesis that choline supplementation may improve learning ability and memory in healthy adult individuals was first tested by Poly and colleagues [1] who found a relation between dietary choli...
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    • Dr. Sabyasachi Nath
    • State Forensic Science Laboratory
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    • Dr. Ehsanur Rahman
    • Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI)
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    • Dr. Samaneh Keshavarz
    • Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences
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    • Command Hospital (Southern Command)
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    • University of Buea, Republic of Cameroon
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  • We are very delighted to see our articles online. The constructive comments from the reviewers made us improve the articles. Specially, we appreciated the timely communications that surely attract the attention of the authors. We have been inspired by quick publication to send more articles in the future.

Eminent Editorial Board Members

Sanku Dattamudi
Journal of Advancements in Plant Science
Sushing Chen
Journal of Human Genetics and Genomic Medicine
Jermane Bond
Journal of Pediatric Disorders and Neonatal Care
Stephen T Holmes
Journal of Forensic and Crime Studies
Manish K. Tripathi
Journal of Hormonal Disorders and Endocrine Research
Mohammed A. Nayeem
SAJ Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Khue Vu Nguyen
Journal of Surgical Science and Operative Care
Mina Hanna
Journal of Pediatric Disorders and Neonatal Care
Journal of Nephrology and Renal Disorders
Maria Ines Vaccaro
Journal of Gastroenterology and Metabolism