Retraction Policy

Return manuscripts

We maintain a consistent policy,  manuscript submitted will be returned to author/will be kept on hold without initiating the review process,  if any of the below concerns:

  Abstract/Reference format problems

  Figures/Tables missing/not included

  Plagiarism beyond the limit

  Manuscript language if other than English

The author is expected to revise and resubmit the manuscript at the earliest.

Article withdrawal

Authors have choice of withdrawal of the manuscript within 3 days after submission (i.e., before peer review process initiation).  Authors should submit a signed statement to the editorial office to request the withdrawal along with the strong reasons.

  Ensure you have conclusive evidence to support your decision of withdrawal.

  Withdrawn procedure will be officially confirmed only by editorial authority notification.

  The publication charge if paid by the author will not be refunded.

  If the authors do not reply to communication even after multiple reminders,  at any stage of the publication process;  we holds all rights to disclose conduct of the authors and the content of the manuscript without author's further approval,  and cannot be held responsible for consequences arising from it.

  In general, the frequency of the author's request for manuscript withdrawal is low. In certain situations, the request made will be too late. In such cases, the efforts put together by the editorial members, reviewers, supporting teams etc., to progress the review and publication process will go in vain. So, authors are requested to be aware of the Publication Ethics and Author Guidelines.

Note: If withdrawal is proposed after initiation of peer review process the author(s) are liable to pay 35% of the publication fee.

If withdrawal is proposed after the completion of whole review process and the article is ready to get published, then the author(s) are liable to pay 50% of publication fee.

For any further queries, please reach us at