Telmo Pereira is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Coimbra Health School, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal, and is the Head of the Physiology Department. With a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology – Neurosciences, by the University of Coimbra, in the last five years has developed research in the areas of Cardiovascular Prevention and Neuroscience, and has also collaborated in the development of new non-invasive technology options for the assessment of vascular function. The research output comprises above 50 scientific articles published in journals with impact factor, several book chapters, and more than a hundred communications in national and international conferences, with publication of the respective Abstracts in prestigious scientific Journals. The study of vascular function accounts for a large proportion of his research outputs currently. Awarded two Young researcher prizes for best communication in International Meetings, four best research communication awards in National Meetings. Invited reviewer of prestigious International Journals.
Cardiovascular Prevention and Neuroscience
Development of new non-invasive technology options for the assessment of vascular function.