Dr. Young W. Park is professor of Food Science at the Georgia Small Ruminant Research & Extension Center, in the Fort Valley State University and an Adjunct Professor Emeritus at the Department of Food Science & Technology, in the University of Georgia and currently working as an Adjunct Professor at the Mongolia International University and Mongolia Huree University. Previously, he served as Associate Professor and Research Scientist at the International Dairy Goat Research Center, Texas A&M University System, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas (USA) during 1982-1997.
Dr. Park has more than 350 publications including 8 books, 43 chapters, 87 refereed journal articles, 187 abstracts, approximately 35 invited papers in national and international symposia and conferences. Dr. Park has been nominated to the 2000 outstanding scientists of the 21st century three times by the International Biographic Centre, Cambridge, England, since 2000.
Dr. Park has been invited to many international conferences and symposia to deliver special lectures, seminars, and workshops. These special lectures and symposia presentations include the World Animal Production Society Conferences, World Dairy Summits, IDF sponsored International symposia, International Goat Conferences, 1st Asia Dairy Goat Conference, International Congress of Nutrition, American Dairy Science/Animal Science Joint Conferences, and International Symposium on Food Safety Research in Korea, and Mongolia International University special lectures and laboratory training workshops.
Dr. Park has been awarded many achievement awards, including Morrison-Evans Outstanding Scientist Award, Land O’Lakes, Inc. Research Award, Kraft Foods Teaching Award in Dairy Manufacturing, John W. Blassingame Outstanding Scholar Award, Research Leader Award, and Distinguished Faculty Award, and Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award from his Alma Mater University.
Prof. Young W. Park’s research interest includes Nutrition and Food Science, nutrient metabolism in relation to obesity, Dairy Technology, Dairy Foods research with respect to nutritional, chemical, microbiological, textural, rheological and sensory evaluation of dairy products.
College of Pharmacy
University of Florida
United States
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institutes of Health
United States
University of California
United States
Food Safety and Consumer Protection
UASVM Cluj-Napoca
Department of Food and Nutrition
National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge
Georgia Baptist College of Nursing
Mercer University
School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
Taipei Medical University
Center of Molecular and Environmental Biology
University of Minho
Department of Health & Kinesiology
Purdue University
School of Health Administration
Texas State University
United States
Department of Pediatrics
University of Massachusetts Medical School
United States
Healthy Ageing
University Medical Center Groningen
Nutrition and Food Science Laboratory
Virginia State University
United States
Department of Diabetes Technology
Tohoku University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Medicine
University Sultan Zainal Abidin
Department of Food Science and Nutrition
College of Life Sciences
Kuwait University
Department of Community Medicine
Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College