Department of Medicine and Nephrology
Taranaki Base Hospital
New Zealand
Dr. Ashik Hayat graduated from University of Jammu India in 1992. He successfully completed his M.D (Doctor of Medicine) Internal Medicine in 1998 followed by Fellowship of Nephrology (D.M) with honors in 2003 from highly reputed university (PGI Chandigarh India). He also successfully qualified National Board of Nephrology examination (DNB) in 2004. There after he completed an advanced Fellowship in the Nephrology and kidney transplantation from the internationally reputed university of Toronto Canada in 2007 and Fellowship of Royal Australasian college of Physicians ( FRACP).
Dr. Hayat has worked as consultant and Associate professor in various Universities in India and Saudi Arabia and is currently working as consultant at Taranaki base Hospital New Zealand. He has more than twenty five research papers published in internationally accredited medical and nephrology Journals. Dr Hayat has presented many research papers and delivered lectures on various nephrology topics in various nephrology forums and international conferences. Dr. Hayat is on the editorial board of various internationally reputed Journals including journal of American society of nephrology.
Dr. Hayat has special interest in teaching and research, his field of interest includes fluid and electrolyte disturbance, advances in Haemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation.
The University of Texas Health Science Center
United States
Vice Chief, Cardiovascular Surgery
Temple University School of Medicine
United States
Oral Pathology
Medical University of South Carolina
United States
Department of Pathology
University of Louisville Medical School
United States
Division of Dermatology
University of California
United States
Department of Nephrology and Hypertension
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
United States
Department of Surgery
Thomas Jefferson University
United States
Department of Ophthalmology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
United States
Department of Clinical Pathology
University of Missouri
United States
Visiting Professor, Stockholm University
The Cheltenham & Gloucester Hospital
United Kingdom
Department of Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology
University of Alabama
United States
Department of Pathology
Temple University School of Medicine
United States
Biomedical Science
Florida Atlantic University
United States
Department of Health Sciences
University of Canterbury
New Zealand
Department of Radiology
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
United States
Department of Veterinary Sciences
University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
Mind Brain and Behavior Research Center
University of Granada
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Maryland
United States
Department of Anesthesiology
Stony Brook University Medical Center
United States
Ophthalmology and Biophysics
University of Kinshasa
Clinical Biomedical Science
Florida Atlantic University
United States
Department of Clinical Sciences
Temple University School of Medicine
United States
Section of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
United States