Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna is a Principal researcher, Head of group of screening of synthetic compounds of Department for Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine. She worked as Research assistant and Senior Staff Scientist, Department of Bioengineering, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine. She obtained Sci.Dr. Degree in Biotechnology, from Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics of NAS of Ukraine. She pursued Ph.D. Degree in Plant Physiology, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of NAS of Ukraine and Master’s Degree in Pharmacy, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv.
Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna published around150 articles in the Ukrainian national and international peer-reviewed journals. She received many awards like Academic Status of Senior Research Assistant, NAS, Ukraine, 2013, Academic Status of Principal researcher, NAS, Ukraine, 2015, etc., She is the member of many international societies like Ukrainian Society of Geneticists and Breeders; American Society Plant Biologists (ASPB), etc. She worked in collaboration with many Research Institutes and Universities also.
Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna research interests include the creation of new effective and ecologically safe plant growth regulators of synthetic and natural origin and study of the physiological, biochemical and molecular-genetic aspects of their action on accelerating growth of agricultural plants, improving of crop productivity and increasing of plant resistance to pathogenic and parasitic organisms (bacteria, fungi, nematodes and insect-pests) and stress-factors of environment (drought, cold, heat, soil contamination etc.) by the way of inducing of RNA interference (RNAi) process in the plant cells.
Pesticides Chemistry and Toxicology Department
Kafr-El-Shiekh University
Institute of Crop Science
Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology
High Institute of Medical Technology of Cameroon
Department of Botany
Aligarh Muslim University
Department of Biotechnology
Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences