David Ojo had PhD in agronomy (2001), MSc Crop Science (1991) and BSc Agriculture (1988). Currently he is the head and directs the affairs of an Horticulture Institute (NIHORT) Research, Hortibusiness and Consultancy Services. He has more than 18 years’ experience in local, regional and international Sustainable Horticulture, Agribusiness and Agricultural Extension & Outreach. He also has over 8 years’ experience consulting with large firm operations in Nigeria and abroad (e.g. HORTIVAR FAO Italy; Marlboros Australia Farm; S. Africa carrot and citrus farms and Kenya horticultural export industrial farms etc.). Have extensive experience as lead practitioner, working closely with the NIHORT senior/executive management, technical partners and Board to roll out and manage horticultural production projects/programs. Experienced in managing and directing Commercial Farms including fertility, irrigation and pest control; open-field crop row best practices and farm scale-up planning, agronomic plan development, monitoring and assessments. Manage and direct smallholder out grower scheme development, working effectively with small growers and field supervisors to achieve sustainable crop productivity across value chains in the Nigerian Agricultural Transformation Agenda of government.
David Ojo is serving as an Editorial Board Member, Reviewer and Editor for many international journals. He published many research papers and attended international conferences. He received many awards and honors.
David Ojo recent research works include:
1. Effect of waste water irrigation management on urban/peri urban vegetable productivity.
2. Effect of meristematic clipping methods on vegetable seed productivity.
3. Rain harvesting technologies for optimal carbon sequestration in climatic change mitigation
4. Isotopic discrimination for water use efficiency in vegetables.
Pesticides Chemistry and Toxicology Department
Kafr-El-Shiekh University
Institute of Crop Science
Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology
High Institute of Medical Technology of Cameroon
Department of Botany
Aligarh Muslim University
Department of Biotechnology
Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences