Dr. M Y Sreenivasa is working as a faculty in Microbiology at DOS in Microbiology, University of Mysore, Mysore, India, having a total of 14 years of teaching and research experience at post graduate level. He worked with Dr. B. H. Bluhm, Department of Plant pathology, University of Arkansas, USA for his post doctoral studies. He has been awarded with QEP international faculty development award 2010 by Kennesaw state university, USA, Raman post doctoral award by UGC, India, Young scientist award by DST, India and many others. Dr. M Y Sreenivasa’s research program is focused on biocontrol of the mycotoxins and mycotoxigenic fungi associated with cereals and cereal based foods. His research is centered on the use of probiotic bacteria (Deepti et al 2016) and PGPR bacteria to control the Fusarium species and their mycotoxins (Nagaraja et al 2016), particularly the contamination of fumonisins by Fusarium verticillioides. Research approaches include to know the diversity of Fusarium species (Sreenivasa et al 2010, 2011, Deepa et al 2016),development of multiplex and nested PCR assays for rapid detection of Fusarium verticillioides in maize and sorghum (Deepa et al 2016a and 2016b), and improved detection assays for mycotoxigenic fungi (Sreenivasa et al 2012). At present, a main focus is developing new strategies for early detection and management of mycotoxigenic fungal species.
Federal Russian Medical Academy of postgraduate education (RMAPO)
Department of Biochemistry
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia