Department of Therapeutic Radiology
Yale University School of Medicine
United States
Dr. Jun Deng obtained his Ph.D. from University of Virginia in 1998 and finished his postdoctoral traineeship at Department of Radiation Oncology of Stanford University in 2001. Currently, Dr. Deng is an Associate Professor at Department of Therapeutic Radiology of Yale University, an ABR board certified medical physicist at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and a full member of AAPM, ASTRO and RSNA. Dr. Deng has been serving as a Guest Associate Editor for Medical Physics since 2002, on the International Advisory Board for Physics in Medicine and Biology since 2003, as an Editorial Board Member of Open Journal of Clinical Diagnostics since 2012, as an Advisory Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Cancer Therapy and Pharmacology since 2013, as an Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Medical Physics since 2013, and as an Editorial Board Member of Journal of Cancer Science & Research since 2013. In addition, Dr. Deng has been serving on the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program Study Section from 2005 to 2011, on the Research & Education Foundation Study Section of RSNA since 2012, and as a scientific reviewer for the European Science Foundation since 2014. Dr. Deng has received numerous honors and awards such as elected Fellow of Institute of Physics in 2004, AAPM Medical Physics Travel Grant in 2008, ASTRO IGRT Symposium Travel Grant in 2009, AAPM-IPEM Medical Physics Travel Grant in 2011, Adjunct Professorship of Tianjin University, Tianjin, China in 2012, and most recently, elected Fellow of AAPM in 2013.
Research Interest
At Yale, Dr. Deng's research has been focused on medical imaging and its applications in cancer radiotherapy. Particularly, he is interested in CT and CBCT scan optimization and dose reduction, image-guided radiation therapy, Monte Carlo treatment planning, biologically conformal radiation therapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy, organ motion and deformable registration, and treatment planning optimization.
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