Deputy Head of Drug Analysis & Pharmacokinetics Core
National University of Singapore
Dr. Lingzhi Wang is a Senior Research Scientist in the Experimental Therapeutics Program and Deputy Head of Drug Analysis & Pharmacokinetics Core (DAPC) of the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, National University of Singapore (NUS). Currently, he is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology of Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. He obtained his M.Sc. in Medicinal Chemistry from Chongqing Medical University (China) in 1993. Thereafter, he joined Sichuan Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (China) as a Junior Principal Investigator in the Department of Pharmaceutical Science and was promoted to be the Deputy Head of Department in 1995. Since 1998, Dr. Wang has been working in the National University of Singapore as a Research Chemist, Research Associate and Research Fellow in Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacokinetics, Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) and Cancer Pharmacology. He continued his postgraduate studies in NUS and obtained his M.Sc. in Pharmacy and Ph.D. in Pharmacology in 2003 and 2008, respectively. Dr. Wang has won Medical Research Scientist Award from National Medical Research Council (NMRC Singapore) in 2005 and PhD Graduate Research Excellence Award from AAPS Annual Meeting 2008 (USA). Till date, he has published more than 40 research papers in some reputable and premium journals such as Cell, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Clinical Cancer Research, PLOS ONE, Journal of Chromatography B, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Journal of Mass Spectrometry as well as Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, etc. Last year, Dr. Wang was honoured to be invited to become a member of 2 editorial boards for Current Chromatography journal and Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Metabolism. His research interest covers many aspects of the anti-cancer drug discovery and development, including preclinical and clinical pharmacokinetics studies, drug metabolism, and clinical pharmacology.
Research Interest:
Drug Analysis and Pharmacokinetics, Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI), Cancer Chemotherapy and Cancer Biomarker Discover
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