Dr. Arpit Sikri [BDS (Gold Medallist), MDS (Prosthodontics), PGDHM, DWCOI] is currently working as Senior Resident in the Department of Prosthodontics (Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi, India). Recently, he has completed his Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management from National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW, New Delhi) and that too with distinction. Throughout his academic career, he has been awarded gold medals being the Topper of the University. Recently, he has authored a book on “Oral Pathology” under Scientific Medtech publishers. He has to his credit around 26 books under Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP) and more than 94 national as well as international publications.
Dr. Arpit Sikri has presented keynote guest lectures and faculty presentations in various national & international conferences. He also presented a paper as well as poster presentations in various conferences many of which were highly appreciated as well as award-winning. He is actively associated with various associations namely IPS, IDA, IDRR, AHA, DSA etc. Apart from academics, he has actively associated with sports and cultural activities also. He had been a national level player of Table Tennis and won many awards for the same. He is on the board of editorial panel with many national and international journals namely JHNPS, WJOUD, JFDS, JCDR, APRD, IJOICR, JDOR, ASDS, APDJ etc. He is the Editor of Web med Central, Associate Editor of Current Dental Research Journal and Assistant Editor of Asia Pacific Dental Journal & I-Dentistry journal. He is the Council Member of Gergson Lehrmann Group (GLG) and also the Coordinator for various websites. He is the President of NDDSF from Punjab State. He has also contributed in various books like Textbook of Endodontics, Indirect Restorations, Target MDS Mcq’s, Dental Matrix, Brahmastra, AIIMS 25 etc. He has been also conferred with many awards namely IDA Profile of the Month 2011, Budding Dentist Award 2010, Dental Youth Icon 2009, Student Ambassador and Mentor by the publishing group “Elsevier” and the most recent i.e. “Best Post Graduate Student in Prosthodontics in India” in 2016.
Dr. Arpit Sikri research interests include Removable and Fixed Prosthodontics, Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Dental Materials, Esthetic Dentistry, Implantology, Digital Prosthodontics, etc.
Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology
YMT Dental College and Hospital