Pedro has a doctorate in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry by the Federal University of Ceará (2016) with an emphasis in Plant defense to viruses. He occupied the position of Postdoctoral researcher position at the Federal University of Ceará (2016-2017). He has experience in Plant defense mechanisms toward pathogens, particularly viruses, it seeks to understand the physiological and biochemical strategies (PR proteins, photosynthesis, and metabolic pathways) that plants use to defend themselves against viruses, using cowpea (Vigna unguiculata ) x CPSMV (Cowpea Severe Mosaic Virus) as a pathosystem.
Currently, Pedro is a researcher contracted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he holds the Postdoctoral Researcher associated position at the Nebraska Center for Virology studying the molecular mechanisms of viral replication, RNAi silencing as a plant antiviral defense, and viral protein with RNA silencing suppression activity.
Pedro has experience in the areas of Biochemistry of macromolecules (proteins) and design of antimicrobial peptides. In the area of Biochemistry of Macromolecules, his experience is with protein chemistry, specifically in protein purification and structural analysis, and in the design of synthetic peptides both with antimicrobial action against pathogens of health importance (fungi, bacteria). The main objective of his studies is to generate high-quality scientific data that allow the development of biotechnological alternatives that can be applied in agriculture and health.
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