The EDI of India
Dr. Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer is working at Open learning program in Entrepreneurship (OLPE) Cell, The EDI of India. He served as Professor in Civil Engineering in K.L.University, India. previously he served as Professor and Dean (R &D) in Narasaraopeta Engineering College which is an autonomous affiliated institution of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, India. He has been serving as an emeritus fellow (EF) and member of the expert visiting committee (EVC) of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). He served as Officer in Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)/Government of India. He worked as Professor and Main Researcher in Institute of Technology, Haramaya University (FDRE), Alemaya Ethiopia, East Africa. He has more than 34 years of experience in Research, Academics, Industry, Field Work, Consultancy Services, Training and Extension, Government, Educational and Private Organizations.
Dr. Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer was awarded D.Sc. (Engg.) and LL.D. (Hon.) by The Yorker International University in 2010 and 2011 respectively. He has enrolled himself Honorary Doctorate of Letters in International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, Great Britain in 2017. He was awarded Fellow of AIMA by All India Management Association, New Delhi, India. Received Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) by World Science and Engineering Academy & Society (WSEAS), Greece. He is fellow and member of 10 national and 9 international professional societies. He has won 30 awards including recognition and distinctions. He Published 216 research papers which included 45 publications in high impact factor journals, and 95 book chapters with ISSN/ISBN, three e.books published by international publishers and 73 conference proceedings, five other technical magazines and five plenary lectures with ISSN/ISBN. His academic performance index score is 1668.5 points. His publications were research cited index having 450 journal citation indexes including JCI and CPCI and more than 2000 citations. He is a reviewer and editorial board member of more than twenty numbers of high impact factor international and national journals.
Dr. Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer Research Interest includes Environmental studies
Department Management
School of Economics & Management
Beijing Jiaotong University
Department of Water Resources Engineering
Islamic Azad University
School of Civil and Chemical Engineering
VIT University