Department of Nephrology and Hypertension
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
United States
Dr. Gerald Schulman has been involved in clinical trials at Vanderbilt University for over two decades and I serve as the co-director of the Clinical Trials Center at Vanderbilt (CTC). He was one of the investigators who participated in designing then HEMO Study and the AASK Study. He was a co-investigator in the MDRD (Phase III) and AASK studies and I was the principal investigator from Vanderbilt for the HEMO Study.
He has participated or led studies in this area. His efforts include with ESA, novel substances to prevent progression of CKD (He designed and was Chair of the Steering Committee for the EPPIC Study examining the effect of AST-120 on progression of CKD), the use of angiotens in receptor blockers in preventing progression of CKD and participation in the Frequent Dialysis Network.
The CTC of the nephrology division is poised to be able to design trials in patients evaluating interventions with CKD.
The University of Texas Health Science Center
United States
Vice Chief, Cardiovascular Surgery
Temple University School of Medicine
United States
Oral Pathology
Medical University of South Carolina
United States
Department of Pathology
University of Louisville Medical School
United States
Division of Dermatology
University of California
United States
Department of Surgery
Thomas Jefferson University
United States
Department of Ophthalmology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
United States
Department of Clinical Pathology
University of Missouri
United States
Visiting Professor, Stockholm University
The Cheltenham & Gloucester Hospital
United Kingdom
Department of Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology
University of Alabama
United States
Department of Pathology
Temple University School of Medicine
United States
Biomedical Science
Florida Atlantic University
United States
Department of Health Sciences
University of Canterbury
New Zealand
Department of Radiology
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
United States
Department of Veterinary Sciences
University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
Mind Brain and Behavior Research Center
University of Granada
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Maryland
United States
Department of Anesthesiology
Stony Brook University Medical Center
United States
Ophthalmology and Biophysics
University of Kinshasa
Department of Medicine and Nephrology
Taranaki Base Hospital
New Zealand
Clinical Biomedical Science
Florida Atlantic University
United States
Department of Clinical Sciences
Temple University School of Medicine
United States
Section of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
United States