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Choline and Its Role in Our Brain Functioning Various Lifetime Phases
The hypothesis that choline supplementation may improve learning ability and memory in healthy adult individuals was first tested by Poly and colleagues [1] who found a relation between dietary choli...
Comprehensive Review of Walnut Anthracnose: Pathogen Biology, Symptoms, and Management Strategies
Walnut anthracnose, caused by Gnomonia species, is a significant fungal disease affecting walnut trees (Juglans spp.), leading to reduced yield and quality. This review provides an in-depth overview o...
Breast Cancer Survival at Brazzaville University Hospital from 2011 to 2020
Introduction: Survival rates for patients with breast cancer have increased dramatically due to increasing exploration of the role and impact of prognostic factors. Five-year breast cancer survival r...
Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategies in Egypt
Municipal solid waste is mainly produced from residential and commercial sources, and this waste increases with increasing human consumption. Municipal solid waste causes negative effects on air, wat...
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    • Dr. Sabyasachi Nath
    • State Forensic Science Laboratory
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    • Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI)
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    • Dr. Samaneh Keshavarz
    • Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences
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    • Command Hospital (Southern Command)
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    • University of Buea, Republic of Cameroon
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  • We are very delighted to see our articles online. The constructive comments from the reviewers made us improve the articles. Specially, we appreciated the timely communications that surely attract the attention of the authors. We have been inspired by quick publication to send more articles in the future.

Eminent Editorial Board Members

Katalin Prokai
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Designing
Journal of Ergonomics Studies and Research
Ritin Bomb
Journal of Cardiac Disorders and Therapy
Mohammed A. Nayeem
SAJ Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Lee E Ross
Journal of Forensic and Crime Studies
Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropsychology
Viviana Andreescu
Journal of Forensic and Crime Studies
Sameera Peraramelli
Journal of Blood Disorders and Therapeutics
David E. Martin
Journal of Medicinal Research and Biological Studies
Federico Sesti
Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropsychology